Hi, I’m Josh Muller

Owner of Maple Creek Coaching. He has lived in Franklin Township just north of Kent. He has lived there with his family for the last 8 years. Josh has always been an athlete. Playing every sport, he could. Recently he has returned to the gym working out at CrossFit as much as possible. 

A little bit more about this carrier. As a seasoned entrepreneur in the construction industry, Josh navigated the highs and lows of business ownership, learning invaluable lessons along the way. Starting out as a novice business owner, Josh faced numerous challenges and setbacks, struggling to keep projects on track and teams aligned.

josh muller image about


However, the turning point came when Josh realized that his relentless focus on work was taking a toll on his personal life, straining his relationships with his family.  He was sacrificing precious time that could have been spent with loved ones, consumed by tasks that could have been delegated.

  Recognizing the need for change, Josh sought guidance from a business coach who helped him transform his approach. Through diligent efforts, he implemented effective practices, streamlined procedures, and assembled dynamic teams, ultimately turning the tide for his construction company.

 Driven by a passion for improvement, Josh honed his skills and successfully sold his business, embarking on a new journey as a business coach. Josh’s mission is simple: to empower fellow entrepreneurs to achieve their full potential, fostering growth and success in their ventures. With a wealth of firsthand experience and a commitment to excellence, Josh is dedicated to helping others break free from the constraints of traditional business models, enabling them to thrive and flourish in their endeavors.

  • Information packed practical training.
  • Practical learning experience with live project work and examples.
  • Practical assignments at the end of every session.
  • Practical assignments at the practical training.


that I am part of